Tuesday, September 12, 2006

mi cajita de estrellitas is back again!

tuve un lapsus, una epoca terrible...las estrellitas se habian ido...me las arrancaron, me las robaron..se las llevo el viento, hasta la mas suave de las brizas las levantaba...pobres y debiles.
alguien habia vaciado mi cajita, se las habia llevado y no se molesto en devolverlas, no me quedaba casi ni una...la veradad es que jamas crei poder encontrarlas, pero de pronto, un dia en el medio de agosto, se me aparecio una, ahi, frente a mi. esperando ser encontrada. lo dude por una milesima de segundo, lo pense, pero no me duro mucho, porq sin penmsarlo dos veces la capture, mi cajita estaba un poco mas feliz, aliviada. la estrellita brillaba, asiq eso solo podia significar una cosa. habian mas. "buscanos porq somos mas, y estamos aca solo para vos, para llenar tu vida de magia, luz, brillo y felicidad, busca, busca!" asiq la busqueda de las estrellitas comenzo. no me fue muy dificil. rapidamente las iba encontrando, cada vez mas y mas. la cajita comenzo a tomar forma, brillo, color. era mi cajita devuelta. ahora si podia volver a brillar, porq çmi cajita estaba llena, esta llena. asiq gracias, gracias por llenar mi cajita de estrellitas nuevamente, gracias por ayudarme a encontrar las que perdi, y mostrarme el camino hacia unas nuevas. gracias por hacerme tan feliz.

keep on shinning*

Crocks still rule...

originally written on the 5th of September:

Steve is now gone, and already the world seems a bit less bright...

Its the strangest thing, because it feels like i knew him. I KNOW he was an amazing person, a great dad and an excellent human being, who lived to preserve the most precious thing we have here on earth. he was happy, he was good, and he was a union between humanity and nature. he was the most passionate and dedicated man i had ever seen in my entire life, and now he's gone...

the weird thing is that he ws always "playing" in the face of danger, he loved that, he was entirely dedicated to that, but he wasnt supposed to die. not yet. it seemed to me that he'd live forever, that he'd never stop doing what he loved the most, that his marriage would never end, that his life and goodness would keep on shinning for the rest of eternity, and that he would see his children grow up to follow his footsteps, and then, and only then, he would step aside. but not now. not in the middle of his life. no, no, not the middle, the beggining. yes, this was only the beggining of greatness, but he was withdrawn from our world, from our lifes, just like that.

Some people say that the world has its own way to keep balance. But let me tell you, I simply cant see the balance here. how come such an amazing person like Steve Irwin be taken away from us? someone that provided such greatness into the world? someone that was loved, respected and appriciated all arround the world? i see no balance here...no balance at all.
Like i said, already the world seems a bit less bright, furtherer away from the sun...

Monday, September 04, 2006


originally written on the 2nd of september:

maybe she's right. maybe im not what i seem. i did not only betray my people, but let myself down too.maybe thats it.maybe beneath the cute little puppy face lies the real me.the truth. a cumpulsivly sick mental lyiar. maybe im just exagerating a little. yes, of course i am. im just mad. thats it. im just sad. too. everyone cheats every now and then. but the problem is not that i lie or cheat, cuz i dont conssider myself like that. the problem is that i take advantage of the people that trust me the most, of the people that respect me, of the people that love me. the problem is that i dont even realize untill it hits me (figurative?? not so...) so once i realize what i've done, comes the most hurting thing for me...disappointment.