Tuesday, January 24, 2012

so low

sorry pero no.
muy en desacuerdo. fea la actitud
un saludo a traves de otro ni da. me lo decis vos. te vas a morir por mandar un texto???? "mandale un saludo" asi al pasar...muy choto lo tuyo, chotiiiiiisimo. Ok no somos amigos, esta todo bien, pero last time i checked las cosas MAL no terminaron. You wanted to go left and i right, it happens. I had heart surjery...heart! one shity small text wouldnt have hurt. Plus, what do u care? you moved on, and im glad, i hope ur happy, im glad ur w someone and i hope its great. Yes i admit i think about it quite often, but that has nothing to do with the fact that u didnt even bother sending a shitty text. horrible attitude