Friday, October 24, 2008


i consider myself as an honnest person, a very honnest person. Una de pocas. You can ask me anything, and i mean annnyyything and ill answer always with the truth, be it good or bad (vale aclarar). So i say its fair enough to expect the same from the rest of the world. Honnesty. Its not that hard, you have something to say, go ahead and say it, peace of cake. Then why? why is it so damn hard for some people to just say whatever they need to say, or answer with the honnest truth. Why do people lie, why do people hide? i hate hiders....what are you not saying? what are you affraid of? what do you have to hide? Honnesty people, come on!
Besides...i dont know how you can live with can someone live peacefully when they have a whole dark thing going on inside...thats just sick. Its not good for the soul. Free your souls ("i wanna get lost in your rock and roll and drift away!" jaja sorry jajaja) anyway the point is, people should try and liberate themselves, dont shove it all inn, not good.


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